November 24, 2006

Turkey in Turkey

Here is the proof -- we found a turkey in Turkey (no small feat) and had a feast with friends Yvonne, Rebecca and Edie, who is visiting from California. Thanks to Edie's large suitcase, we even had sage for the stuffing and cranberry sauce. Turkish innovations included dried mulberries, pistachios and kalamata olives for starters, kabak for the pumpkin pie and kaymak, clotted cream that is so thick you slice it with a knife. Ray was, in fact, present, though hid under the table, playing the necessary role of the misbehaving child. Since it is still technically Thanksgiving in the US, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you must be soooo stuffed with Turkey by now, ha, ha, ha!;)
Kaymakli kabak sounds like a fine substitute for the lovely pumpkin pie...
Happy thanksgiving to you, too!
nilgun, ozan and craig